Rusted Rhubarb

the ramblings and growth of a fiber artist who likes to take pictures

What I’ve been working on … June 24, 2007

Filed under: muse,sewing,silk — rustedrhubarb @ 3:50 pm

Here’s a sneak peek of what I’ve been working on. 

This is something that started in my head while in North Carolina and stayed with me, as each evening I’d lay in bed and think the day over.. thoughts of my newest creation would run the “day to day” thoughts away and beg for attention.. beg to be brought out of my head and into reality.

While this image won’t give you one clue as to what I’m making, it will show you my love.. fabric, stitching, order.  I could tell you what I have in mind, but I’m slowly learning (and paying attention) to my muse..she likes to change plans along the way.  I could say it’s going to be “this” but by time I’m complete it will be “that” and I’ll be pleasantly surprised.

For now, I leave you with silk, thread, and purple love.


2 Responses to “What I’ve been working on …”

  1. elyouseewhy Says:

    Wow, your topstitching is INCREDIBLE! I’m positively green with envy.

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